The Special Day

One sunny morning a swagman woke up next to a billabong tree. Then he heard some noisy kookaburra on the tree and yelled “You little things get lost”.
And then his dog woke up “woof woof” it barked and then he went to look for food and his dog followed behind him.
When they were going it started to rain. The dog was cold so he returned it back and he continued his journey.
The rain was heavier than before but he kept going.
It started to rain even heavier than before. Then it started to hail and the little ice blocks hit him on the head. Quickly he went under a tree and stayed there for a while. Moments later he heard the hail stop. Then he thought of speeding to his tree but he was too late. It started to snow and he sat there with all the snow dropping on his head thinking about Rex.
After that it stopped snowing and he looked like a snowman. Then he remembered his dog. He went to his home but he could not find him. He searched around but could not find him “REX….REX…..REX” he yelled then he heard a bark “woof…woof” “REX” he screamed “Where are you?” Then bumped into another dog and said “Rex” but it wasn’t Rex. He sighed and went to his house then he saw something moving in his swag he was frightened.
He kept going he saw black fur a tail, head there he was REX. Rex licked his face the swag man said “yuck stop it Rex Stop it I don’t like it.” Rex still did it. Then one day rich men came and gave them 2,000,000.00 coins they went to buy a house and more stuff. They lived happily ever after.